Tuesday, July 14, 2009

XSEL wins Single-Market Company of the Year in Asia in Sixth Annual International Business Awards(SM); XSEL CEO wins Executive of the Year in Asia

Beijing, China, July 14, 2009 – Xinhua Sports & Entertainment Limited (“XSEL” or the “Company”; NASDAQ: XSEL), a leading sports and entertainment media company in China, today announced that it has won the International Stevie Award for “Single-Market Company of the Year in Asia” in the 2009 International Business Awards. It’s Chairman and CEO, Ms. Fredy Bush, was also awarded an International Stevie Award in the category of “Executive of the Year in Asia”. In addition to this, XSEL is also a finalist in the “Most Innovative Company of the Year in Asia” category, while Ms. Bush is a finalist in the category of “Turnaround Executive of the Year”. The International Business Awards are the only global, all-encompassing business awards program honoring great performances in business.

“Asia, especially China, holds great potential for sports and entertainment media and this award affirms XSEL is leading the way,” said Ms. Fredy Bush, Chairman and CEO of XSEL. “This year’s selection process has been a very competitive one, putting us up against many worthy nominees in this category. I am very proud that XSEL is the only company from Mainland China to receive an International Stevie Award this year, and honored to accept these awards on behalf of the 1,200 employees of XSEL.”

XSEL provides premium international sports and entertainment content to China’s young, upwardly mobile demographic through unique, nationwide access as well as media expertise to advertisers for targeting this group. XSEL brought Chinese audiences the 2008 Super Bowl last year and also recently the Ultimate Fighting Championships™ (“UFC”) one hour per every Saturday and Sunday.

“Despite the harsh economic climate, entries to the IBAs actually grew a bit this year, and that illustrates the increasing importance of The International Business Awards worldwide,” said Michael Gallagher, president of The Stevie Awards, presenters of the International Business Awards. “We congratulate all of the Finalists and International Stevie Awards winners, and we look forward to honoring them for their achievements at our gala awards dinner in New York on September 14.”

Recipients of International Stevie Award trophies were selected from more than 1,700 entries received from organizations and individuals in more than 30 countries. Organizations all over the world are eligible to compete in The International Business Awards, and can enter in any of more than 40 categories from Multinational Company of the Year and Best New Product of the Year to Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year and Executive of the Year. Among this year’s Stevie Award winners include Samsung Electronics, UPS and Temasek Holdings to name a few.

Judging of entries is conducted in two phases: preliminary and final. Preliminary judges are recruited worldwide, apply to judge on the International Business Awards web site, and are accepted or rejected, and assigned categories by Stevie Awards staff, based on their experience and language preferences.

Members of the Board of Distinguished Judges & Advisors of the Stevie Award and other select business leaders perform the final judging, during which they choose International Stevie winners at their discretion, from among the Finalists. The number of Finalists are determined by the number and quality of entries submitted. All entries that receive a high average score in the preliminary-round of judging will automatically become Finalists. All of the judges and advisors for the Stevie Awards are prominent members of the business community and include renowned business leaders such as Donald Trump, President and CEO of the Trump Organization.

Nicknamed the Stevie® for the Greek word “crowned,” the awards will be presented to winners at a gala dinner on Monday, September 14 in the St. Regis Hotel in New York City.


2009年06月29日 15:01 来源: 金融界网站 【字体:大 中 小】 网友评论()



  在本届大会中,有50多位政府领导、业内专家;近80位知名企业家、100多位市场推广人士;近100位知名媒体领袖,以及50多位来自著名国际4A 广告公司、知名本土广告公司和公关公司的高层,共计400余人齐聚北京,共享盛会。















中国银行股份有限公司发言人王兆文、美国纳尔科公司大中华区新闻发言人田耕、空中客车中国公司新闻发言人米晓春、百胜餐饮集团新闻发言人王群、中国长城资产管理公司新闻发言人文显堂、中国电影集团公司新闻发言人翁立、华硕电脑中国业务总部新闻发言人郑威、远东控股集团新闻发言人徐浩然、江苏新日电动车股份有限公司新闻发言人胡刚和北京汇源饮料食品集团新闻发言人曲冰成为“首届中国企业十大新闻发言人” 。


本次活动由人民网和中国发言人网共同主办,未名传播研究中心和中国企业新闻发言人沙龙(CSS)承办。活动的主题为:创新信息时代财富模式,增强企业国际话语权。上百位分别来自中央企业、跨国公司、民营企业及上市公司的新闻发言人获奖人参加了本次活动。据了解,本次评选活动组委会共设立了“中国企业十大新闻发言人” 、“中国企业十大新闻发言人(国企组) ”、“中国企业十大新闻发言人(外企组)”、“中国企业十大新闻发言人(民企组)”、“中国企业十大新闻发言人(高成长组)”、“中国企业十大新闻发言人(首席发言人组) ”和“发言人团队奖”等奖项。

据介绍,为保证评选结果的客观公正,评选专家分别来自政府、院校、公关、传媒等领域,评选从理论创新、发言人制度、社会责任、社会影响、媒体关系、Google排名、Baidu排名、网络投票、经典案例等方面,按照发言人提供资料、网络公开资料、网络投票十个方面综合打分并进行排名。其中, “中国企业十大新闻发言人”是从评选出的100位最具影响力的发言人中产生的,其作为中国企业传播领袖的标杆和榜样,具有广泛的代表性。 





▲2009年5 月20日:社会和媒体以及网络共推荐385名发言人参加首届中国企业十大(暨100位最具影响力)新闻发言人评选活动。



传媒巨头7号会聚峰会 Twitter或借机找买家

导读:国外媒体今天撰文称,不断壮大的科技企业既是传媒领域的智者又给传媒行业带来了灾祸,就连Allen &Co。传媒峰会也开始越发关注科技企业。而作为本届峰会的焦点之一Twitter有可能会借此机会寻找商业合作伙伴甚至潜在买家。

投资银行Allen &Co。每年都会在其总部所在地爱达荷州太阳谷举行传媒峰会,参加这一盛事的传媒巨头们都会借此机会思考自己下一步的战略,在此期间,这些巨头原本都会非常惬意。


自1983年举办第一届Allen &Co。夏季峰会至今,情况已经发生了巨大的变化。最新一届峰会将于周二在爱达荷州太阳谷举行。而这一峰会的中心已经变成了那些具有开拓精神的科技企业。这些企业把电脑和手机变成了多媒体中心,而这却令报纸、杂志、广播、音乐和电影产业备受煎熬。这种趋势使得科技企业在传媒行业中扮演了双重角色,他们既是传媒领域的智者却又给传媒行业带来了灾祸。

本周,Twitter联合创始人兼CEO埃文·威廉姆斯(Evan Williams)将有可能在Allen &Co。峰会上受到热捧,这是因为大家都想知道这家微型博客服务究竟只是一时流行的狂热还是通信行业革命性的突破。第一次参加Allen &Co。峰会的Facebook游戏开发商Zynga公司CEO马克·平卡斯(Mark Pincus)说:“埃文将成为众人瞩目的焦点。”

  Allen &Co。峰会发展历程

Allen &Co。的历史可以追溯到上世纪20年代,该公司现在由其创始人的孙子赫伯·艾伦(Herb Allen)掌管。尽管规模较小,但Allen &Co。已经凭借着鲜明的特色发展成一家杰出的传媒投资银行,而太阳谷峰会正是其特色之一。每届峰会历时5天,在此期间,Allen &Co。会邀请传媒界知名人士齐聚一堂,在海明威故居共度美好时光。


Allen &Co。并不会对外透露峰会的嘉宾,但新闻集团CEO鲁伯特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)、《华盛顿邮报》CEO唐纳德-格拉汉姆(Donald Graham)以及华特迪士尼CEO罗伯特·伊戈尔(Robert Iger)都是该峰会的常客。

Allen &Co。峰会自2001年起便开始关注科技。当时正值互联网泡沫破裂,大批投资银行纷纷抛弃加州硅谷和纽约硅巷。而Allen &Co。则试图吸引更多网络行业的传媒领袖,并且开始定期邀请浏览器先锋马克·安德森(Marc Andreessen)、亚马逊CEO杰夫-贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)以及谷歌创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)和赛吉·布林(Sergey Brin)等人。他们今年仍然有望再次参加Allen &Co。峰会。

专访李彤:RIM专注的25年 引领移动商务新趋势

































  传:现在手机市场竞争非常激烈,在中国市场上山寨机对品牌机的冲击力也非常强,你如何看待市场上的山寨机现象?2009年5月16日,“BlackBerryStorm2”惊现中国市场,这款名为Cool9500的手机是国内山寨厂商制造的,它在外型上是完全模仿BlackBerryStorm手机,RIM BlackBerry如何应对这一现象。今后BlackBerry要想继续保持领先优势还需要在哪些方面来强化自己?

















  李:我认为市场人员应当具备敏感的特质,对客户需求和市场具有洞察力,对客户和合作伙伴具有亲和力,在工作中善于沟通,注重结果,坚持总结和学习,不断完善自我,我想这样的市场人员不论走到哪里都会受尊重。(完/作者:朱珠 摄影:王玉军)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Interview with Fredy Bush

China International Business (http://www.cibmagazine.com.cn/Features/Face_To_Face.asp?id=742&fredy_bush.html)

Thirty years ago Fredy Bush was a teenage single mother on welfare in Utah. Now, she’s the CEO of a multi-million-dollar listed company. Bush is CEO and founder of Xinhua Finance Media Limited (新华财经媒体), a NASDAQ-listed media content and distribution company, as well as executive vice-chairman of Tokyo-listed Xinhua Finance Limited (新华财经有限公司), the leading provider of China-based financial news and indices, which Bush established in 1999, in partnership with the Xinhua News Agency.

But it hasn’t been a trouble-free journey from Utah to Shanghai; from tackling the humiliation of using food stamps to weathering the economic downturns of 9/11 and SARS, and, most recently, seeing her company’s share price crash, Bush’s emergence as one of Asia’s most important financial media figures has been extremely eventful. She sat down with CIB last month to discuss the triumphs and challenges of her career so far.

You had no formal college education. Can you tell us about your background?
I was a young mother. I’ve been a single mother most of my adult life. Due to my need to support the kids, I didn’t have the opportunity to go to college, but because of my desire to support the kids, I also had drive.
Most of my career has been built on that. I had my son when I was 16 and he’s now 31. I was raised in a culture in Utah where women had children very young. Women were meant to get married and raise children. I did odd jobs, clerking and secretarial work. Being a single mom was tough, to manage work and home. Every parent goes through that: how much time can you spend at the office and how much time can you spend at home?

When did you realize your life was not going to be like that of other women in Utah?
A big part of me always wanted to break out. There’s such an incredible gender bias. I’m the sixth of eight children. There came a point where I knew that I wanted to define my life for myself, rather than let the male elders in my community do it for me, which is why I left the US. I took a job in Taiwan in 1985 simply because it was going to pay me more than what I could make with my background. It broke me out of my community. I was about 26 at the time.

How did the move to Taiwan come about?
I was working as a clerk in Utah, and my bosses had family back in Taiwan and asked if I was interested in a position with the Taiwan Feed & Grain Association. Those early years were really what led me to do what I’ve done in China, to create the charities and the company I have.

Did you ever imagine your life would be where it is now?
No. But I did have the determination from being on welfare that I wasn’t going to stay there. I was going to do everything I could do to get my children out of that demographic. Now they are both graduated from college, and married. When I moved to Taiwan, I took a big risk. I didn’t know the culture. I didn’t know anything. But I did understand the opportunities Asia provided. I got here when Asia was emerging. Taiwan began to change, with capital markets and so forth. I started up consulting, which led to my doing consulting for [the Chinese mainland], which led to Xinhua.

You brought about a major transformation of Taiwan’s commodities markets. How did this come about?
People [in Taiwan] were already buying commodities, they [just] didn’t have the legal ability to hedge. So the first thing I started doing was to ask the regulatory authorities in the US to come to Taiwan and to talk to the regulatory bodies to develop the ability to hedge. That eventually led to Taiwan mirroring the US.

How were you able to achieve this?
Because I put my hand out. I knew what problems existed in Taiwan and I knew what the market was like in the US.

How did you go from this to starting up Xinhua Finance?
Once hedging became legal in 1989, what quickly happened was [investors] needed data to trade. If you don’t have the quote, or real-time news, you can’t hedge efficiently. The next milestone was saying: all that data is available, we just have to bring it here. I wasn’t the only one doing it, but my success came from the fact that I was offering it for free. I was young and I didn’t have the resumé, so I took the risk. I structured the business so that as long as clients did business with partners, then I got paid. It certainly made me work really hard because I had to make sure that relationships worked.
The next big breakthrough was when I met a small division of Xinhua News Agency, where I did a very simple transaction for them when they needed some commodity quotes from the West. It was a very small step, but it was the seed of a relationship that has existed now since 1992.

When did you start focusing on the Chinese mainland?
I moved to [the Chinese mainland] in 1992. When I got [here], Taiwan was [this] microcosm and China was this huge market that I believed was going to emerge. And it turned out that way. China is enormous; more internet users, more television viewers. My relationship with Xinhua started with commodity quotes, and it grew from there. In 1999, we thought China was going to get into the World Trade Organization, so I thought a good business plan would be to found a company that created financial information infrastructure to international standards. That was the basic idea. I took this to Xinhua News Agency and they agreed that it could be a good business, so we started Xinhua Finance Limited in 1999.

It took almost seven years between your first contact with Xinhua and setting up Xinhua Finance Limited. What happened during that period?
I was in Hong Kong, Shanghai, here and there. When markets emerge, you can be anywhere, and opportunities come from the fact that it’s changing. It’s always inevitable what’s going to change, you already know where it’s going to head.
Because my relationship with Xinhua was built up over time, by 1999 it was a very solid relationship. But that year was the beginning of the dotcom crash. Nobody was interested in China. I put my own money into the company and people thought I was crazy. It was a very tumultuous time. The money that I and two other investors put into it was almost gone. I was worried about the payroll, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep at night and I had to tell my children that I had sunk all the money into this venture. I was able to raise some money and it felt better. But then 9/11 came, and SARS, and it was very difficult. It was the second most stressful time in my life.

What was the most stressful time in your life?
Being a single, teenage mom.

What was it like to go from an entrepreneur to becoming the CEO of a publicly listed company, when Xinhua Finance became the first non-Japanese company to launch an IPO in Tokyo in 2004?
The upside is that you have access to capital markets. The downside is that you’re subject to all the whims of the market. Your stock price goes up and down and it doesn’t always track your performance. It’s frustrating because you don’t have control over that. It does allow you to grow, it’s great for the staff and it’s a great exit for your shareholders. As the CEO, or the management, you have to stay focused on the bottom line and not be distracted by stock prices. Xinhua FTSE China index is the largest index in the world. I think we have about USD 140 billion under management.

You went from managing a staff of eight or nine to 2,000. What was that like?
Talk about a learning experience. When you’re eight people, you’re a family. When you’re 2,000 people, it’s hard to get your arms around them. I used to know everyone’s name, and about their husbands and wives, but I can’t do that anymore, and I do miss that. When you’re a small company, you can control everything. You have your finger on every button. But as you get bigger and bigger, you have to give a lot of authority away. It’s ironic; the more power your give away, the more power you have; it’s counterintuitive. It took time to realize that the more trust I put in people, the better the company became.

Last year an investor filed a lawsuit accusing Xinhua Finance Media of misrepresenting material facts in its IPO prospectus by not disclosing that its CFO was under investigation by the SEC. Can you comment on the negative publicity the trial brought your company?
We said at the time when the allegations were made that they were inaccurate and unfounded, and we were proved to be right and they were dismissed. I find it interesting that the media hasn’t put as much intensity on the dismissal of the unfounded allegations as on hearsay. But it is my opinion that some journalists have treated our success unfairly.

Stock prices for both Xinhua Finance and Xinhua Finance Media have dipped dramatically this year. Are you worried?
In terms of stock prices, one of the greatest frustrations is that you can’t control your stock price, and I certainly can’t control the media, so I . . . control our business performance, and sooner or later, the media and market will see what this company does. Xinhua Finance Group is strong and we hit our numbers quarter after quarter; we have a good company. So I try not to focus on things we can’t control and focus [only] on things we can.

You stepped down from the role of CEO at Xinhua Finance Limited earlier this year to become executive vice-chairman. Why did you do this?
EFor better corporate governance, and to comply with the stringent rules of the Sarbanes-Oxley Acts in the US.

Where do you see your company’s largest growth in the next five-to-10 years?
I think content is going to be king. It’s becoming extremely important in China, with such a fragmented marketplace and so many different ways to distribute content, but insufficient high-quality content in the market. And if content is king, access is key. Having the ability to offer content and sell ads and sponsorship, I think there will be big growth there.

Tell me about your charity work.
My personal charity helps girls in poor provinces of China get an education. If girls are not in high school, their culture and community force them into marriage and a lifetime of poverty. That struck very much at my heart. We don’t just contribute money; we actually dig the ditches and stack the bricks. It’s really changed their lives.

What are some of the major East-West differences in doing business?
In America, we tend to be very aggressive, very blunt. We do business via fax, phone, but we don’t need to believe that there’s a relationship there, as long as it’s a financial relationship. In the East, the relationship is very important, nothing happens very quickly and face is very important. You can’t be rude or discourteous. It’s a 180-degree difference. I had to tell the Asians not to be offended and tell the Americans not to be offensive. In America, you have 30-40 page contracts, and that governs, whereas in Asia, you sign a one-page memo and it’s the relationship that governs.

Do you feel that your lack of education has been a help or a hindrance?
I’ve felt both. I don’t recommend that anyone not get a college education. Everywhere you go, people ask you, where did you get your degree? When you’re very poor and very young, nobody thinks you’re hirable. On the flip side, some of my business successes have been due to me feeling it in my bones. I know a trend is moving and a market is coming. There’s an intuition; I’ve always been able to sense the trends and we at Xinhua have been at the forefront of many of them. Because I don’t know any better, I just think, okay, I can make that work and I go there. It’s been very successful so far.

How much of your success was about being in the right place at the right time?
I do think that luck played into it. But when I saw opportunities, I took them. I always wanted to seize the moment. And in an emerging market, there are so many opportunities.

Any regrets?
Just one: no college education. It still haunts me, even now. I can’t tick that box next to college education on my Chinese work visa application, so I cannot get a work visa, which is one of the reasons I have to work six months [of the year] outside of China. I did the health check-up, everything, but I couldn’t check that box, so no work visa.

Report: China's online advertising revenue grew 5.9 percent over the same periond last year (Chinese)

DCCI, May 19, 2009 (http://news.xinhuanet.com/zgjx/2009-05/19/content_11402438.htm )





走向2:广告主、代理对网络营销工具需求迫切,网络广告监测、效果评估技术工具发展迅速。由AdMedia Partners提供的一项全球范围的研究结果发现,27%的营销人员打算增加在营销研究方面的开支。国外的一些公司也已经走在了前面,比如Google和WPP共同发起的网络广告研究,可看作经济危机下代理公司与媒介的一种新的产业生态。国内方面,在网络营销分析、网络广告监测、效果评估的方法、技术、工具方面同样有着迫切的需求和良好的发展。





走向7:腾讯、淘宝等巨头纷纷加入,SNS 市场竞争进一步推向白热化。2009年一季度腾讯推出了其SNS的新产品QQ校友,该产品的主要目标锁定在校大学生群体;淘宝网也推出一项针对淘宝用户开发的SNS应用系统--淘江湖。国内目前火爆的SNS市场竞争进一步推向白热化。无论是传统的论坛、社区,还是新兴的大量获得VC青睐的SNS网站,基本目标都相同,即以在校大学生,或者年轻白领为目标受众,利用用户自身的关系形成社区,聚集人气,从而进行营销活动。未来国内的SNS市场竞争会进一步升级,用户会经历一个集中到分散再集中的发展趋势。




The Internet is turning Chinese

Business Intelligence Middle East, Apr 27, 2009 (http://www.bi-me.com/main.php?id=35306&t=1&c=33&cg=4&mset)

INTERNATIONAL. The English language has dominated the Internet since it began, and until recently has had very little competition for its number one position. With China now rising to become one of the fastest growing world powers, and experiencing the highest rate of Internet user growth ever seen, is this the decade we will see the Internet turn red?

bab.la has recently completed a research project aiming to show the gap between spoken languages and languages used on the Internet. Not surprisingly, the research confirms that Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world. Despite this, it currently lags dramatically behind English on the Internet and is only the second-most used language on this all-important global resource.

English is 'spoken' on the web by around 450 million people, but Internet user growth in the English-speaking world is slowing. In contrast, the CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Centre) announced that the number of Chinese Internet users increased by 42% in 2008 to a total of 298 million, and has surpassed the US with its approximately 225 million users for the first time.

This high rate of growth is expected to have a significant impact on the Internet in the near future, but exactly how long will it take for these new users to start making a dent in the 'English-ness' of the web?

According to Erin Gallagher, part of the research team from bab.la, this may be sooner than we thought. "Based on the current levels of growth, we expect to see Chinese overtake English on the web within the next two to three years," says Gallagher.

Research from bab.la shows that Chinese is not the only language with the potential to overtake English on the web. India, Bangladesh and Indonesia all have the populations and user growth figures to impact web language statistics. In fact, many now see India as the 'new China', with even more potential for growth and development over the next generation.

The bab.la World Languages Map shows that Hindustani is in fact the next most-commonly spoken language after Chinese in Asia, giving further weight to this argument. Hindustani (the term for the associated dialects of Hindi and Urdu) is spoken by more than 900 million people, and yet it currently has a very small Internet presence. India's widespread potential for infrastructural development and rising purchasing power will positively affect the Internet penetration as it has done in China.

Gallagher said she believes India is in fact a "sleeping giant in the world of languages" and that it has the potential to be as big as China in terms of users and language presence on the net.

The first two decades of the World Wide Web have been the 'English years', the next decade will be Chinese. What is clear is that English is losing its stronghold, and a more worldwide, more accessible, more red web is on the way.

The bab.la World Languages Map can be accessed at en.bab.la/news/world-languages.html

Note: bab.la is an interactive language portal offering bilingual dictionaries, vocabulary lessons, language games, and topical quizzes all free. Currently available in 13 different languages (English, Chinese, German, Spanish, French, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Turkish), the site operates on a wiki-style model, allowing users to contribute content and feedback.

Chinese media revenue rose 20% (Chinese)

aaaadvertising, May 29, 2009 (http://www.aaaad.cn/html/59/n-23059.html)


2009年的广播电影电视发展报告显示,广播和电视总收入比2008年同期增长了19.5%, 为人民币1,350亿元。

这两个行业的广告收入高达人民币702亿元 ,比上一年同期增加了近17%,很大部分的原因是由于围绕着奥运会为主题广告。



Road Less Travelled -Interview with Fredy Bush

Originally published in The Peak magazine, Hong Kong, December 2008

"As the older and wiser person I am today, I look back and realise I took a risk for my family and it brought me to China," says Fredy Bush, eyes wide with excitement. "In thinking I was sacrificing for them, it actually gave me my life."

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It is quite an extraordinary statement for the founder and CEO of China’s leading financial news and data analysis company. But then Fredy Bush is no ordinary person. The head of Xinhua Finance and its subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media, she started life as what could be described as a second-class citizen in American’s most tightly religious state. In Utah, as a Mormon in a restricted, male-dominated society, the map of her life, like those of most women, was determined at birth-her primary role would be as wife and mother. And so, at the tender age of 19, Fredy Bush was married with two small children.

Perhaps if her husband had not died in a motorcycle accident when she was in her first year of college, she would still be an obedient housewife in Utah and Xinhua Finance would have been a distant possibility. The accident left her with few opportunities as an uneducated teenage mother. Poverty was her most daunting obstacle-she recalls being unable to the point of being homeless,” she says, in a way that suggests the wounds may not have healed completely. “You just don’t have any room.” Yet now she considers challenge a privilege and says that conquering the uphill battle added depth and understanding to her life.

It took an apparently inconsequential event to change her direction. While marking time in a doctor’s waiting room when one of her children became sick, she picked up a Reader’s Digest and happened to open it to an article on single undereducated teenage mothers.

The statistics stressed the likelihood that her offspring would not attend college but become blue-collar workers involved in drugs or alcohol: Then and there, Fredy Bush vowed never to let that happen.

Moving herself and her children out of Utah and its belief system, she found a job in California with a Taiwanese woman who mentioned lucrative positions for English-speakers working for government officials in Taiwan. In 1985, Fredy Bush and her children moved to Taipei.


It was a culture shock to say the least. Apart from the foreign customs and language, she hadn’t realized Taiwan was still under Chiang kai Shek’s martial law, impose in May 1949- the restrictions especially on free speech and the press were a stark contrast to what she had been used to in her native land. Still, her resolve held, and after finding work as an assistant to the secretary general of Taiwan, she started learning about trading in commodities.

In 1998, martial law was lifted, state-owned enterprises were privatized and the markets liberalized. It was the opportunity Fredy Bush needed. Having learnt Mandarin and having understood the world’s securities markets, she set up a consulting business helping multinational companies identify business opportunities in China, particularly offering advice on the creation of Taipei’s commodities futures market. Then, as China followed Taiwan’s example, in the mid-1990s Fredy Bush’s company linked up with Xinhua News, the official voice of China’s government, providing it with the financial information and analysis that would attract foreign firms to the rapidly expanding Chinese economy.

That led in 1999, to a proposal that the news agency invest in an international financial news and analysis services to which it would also license its name- although she realized( and ensured through links with foreign financial houses) that the business had to be seen as independent of any government control or manipulation.

Fredy Bush literally created indices, ratings, financial news, investor relations services and distribution in a time when none existed: She brought transparency to the Chinese market with disclosure and analysis of the performance of China’s major companies. She went on to found subsidiary Xinhua Finance Media, which distributes financial data, analysis and news through a television, radio, newspaper, magazine and online network.

In less than 10 years, she managed to list the companies on two major international markets: Mothers Board of the Tokyo Stock Exchange with a global lattice of 11 countries and the Nasdaq stock market.


Ironically, the blue-eyed blonde has found herself going from one male-dominated world to another-she is often the only woman in the boardroom. In the past, even though she was the CEO, negotiation dialogue was often directed to male counterparts rather than herself. It has taken a long process to prove herself, but, in the end, there was no denying shareholders were raking in profits. “You finally gain their respect where inevitably they say. “She makes us money so we kind of have to let her in.” she laughs.

The secret to making it, Bush says, is having a dream that excites, the courage to take a risk and , finally, persistence to never give up-particularly if you are an undervalued business woman. Amongst her many accolades, the most meaningful was the Wall Street Journal’s Top 50 Women to Watch award in 2004, because women’s contributions to business, society, charity and global corporate culture are so poorly recognized.

“There’s definitely a glass ceiling. As much as we’ve progressed, it’s still there.” She says. “My belief is that people don’t fail-they quit. I would encourage them not to.” Her kids, after all, represented all the motivation she needed to persevere. They were the catalyst that propelled Bush into one of the most dynamic emerging markets in the world and her involvement in China’s changing regulatory structure presented an undreamed of career opportunity. “It’s pretty historic in a lot of ways.” She smiles. “Our company plays a tiny role in all of that but it’s what makes me want to get out of bed every single day. It’s such an incredible place to do business.”

Asked if she would change any aspect of her past, Fredy Bush answers immediately that she would have enrolled in college had she been able to afford it. She still managed to beat the statistics by putting both her children through university and any future grandchildren will have the same advantages.


In fact, education remains so close to Bush’s heart she founded the Chazara Foundation to provide girls in poverty-stricken Chinese provinces like Ningxia with schooling. Annual high-school fees account for more than half an average household’s yearly income and boys usually have priority- if the chance ever even arises.

The next step was creating the Xinhua Finance Library Foundation to build libraries in poor villages, further giving children with no formal education a head start. So far, three libraries have been built in Ningxia and another in Inner Mongolia, with a total of 7,000 donated books. Bush has every intention of immersing herself fully in charity work when she retires.

The main dilemma she face now is how to raise the visibility and encourage involvement in the tow foundations without making them overly large and impersonal. She is intent on avoiding overheads that result in a small percentage of every dollar reaching those in need. At present, only one member of staff oversees the charities, allowing the majority of the funds to go directly to students and books.

Yet she remains personally fully involved. Every Friday night, she takes home a stack of folders and the following morning, writes letters to pupils sponsored by the Chazara Foundation. With more than 1,000 students to date, keeping abreast of correspondence is no mean feat. However, she wouldn’t have it any other way and takes the same approach with the Library Foundation.

“Rather than just writing a cheque and feeling like we’ve done our charitable deed, we actually dig the people in the village,” Fredy Bush divulges, with the hope that the tight-knit bond with her students will continue well after they complete there studies. She is keen to know when they marry or reach other turning points in life, much as if they were her own. Many wonder how they can repay Bush but she asks only in return that they pass on the goodwill.

She also hopes those supported by the Chazara Foundation may one day return to volunteer themselves. With so much time dedicated to her family, biological and other, it’s no wonder that, several years ago, Fredy Bush wondered if the trade-offs she was making for her nearest and dearest meant giving up a life she never had. But, as she says, she now realizes it was precisely that sacrifice that has made her life such a success.

Mobile Internet going strong; advertisers pay attention

Los Angeles Times, Mar 16, 2009 (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2009/03/mobile-internet.html)

Remember the days when you rolled out of bed, turned on your computer and checked the news, weather and your Facebook account? That's so 2008. An increasing number of people are going straight to their mobile phones for all that information, according to a ComScore study released today. The number of U.S. cellphone users who accessed the mobile Internet daily in January reached 22 million, double that of a year earlier.

"Consumers have more and more choices, and they're finding a pretty good experience using the mobile Web," said Mark Donovan, a senior analyst at ComScore.

The number of people using the mobile Web to access a social networking site quadrupled to 9 million, Donovan said, while the number of people who used the mobile Web to trade stocks or access a financial account nearly tripled to 3 million. (Phones might be useful for panic trading.)

Usage is increasing as more smartphones land in people's hands, Donovan said. The number of people with smartphones increased 81% over the past year, to 24.8 million from 13.7 million.

That trend is likely to continue as phones drop in price. ISuppli, an El Segundo research firm, predicts 11% growth in global smartphone sales in 2009, even as.

... the overall mobile handset market slogs along. And Juniper Research predicts that smartphones will account for 23% of all new mobile phones by 2013, as demand for complicated applications draw consumers to more technically savvy handsets.

Popular content also is driving the on-the-go Internet numbers, Donovan said, as media properties such as CNN and Google perfect their mobile sites. That's motivated phone users without smartphones to start using the mobile Web too, he said.

This is all good news for advertisers, who are struggling to find an effective place to reach people in a year in which their budgets are significantly smaller than last. Donovan says internal ComScore studies have found that ads viewed on mobile phones can have higher click-through rates than those viewed on computers. Some mobile ads are viewed by users who are otherwise difficult to reach, such as those who don't use computers as much and mostly check the Web on their phones, he said.

Half of males 18 to 34 access news and information via the mobile Web, according to ComScore.

"Mobile marketing seems recession-proof due to the well-known fact that the number of mobile users is still growing and will continue to grow," Alexandre Mars, head of Mobile Publicis Groupe, said in a recent white paper.

His proof? There are 30 countries where the mobile penetration rate is above 100%, India boasts 9 million new users each month and China adds as many users as the population of Miami each month.

"Mobile marketing will give the advertising industry a complete face-lift," he said.

What will the sports world look like in 2025?

ctv.ca, Mar 15, 2009 (http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20090313/future_of_sports_090315/20090315?hub=World)

An NFL running back with 3.8 speed in the 40-yard dash collides with a safety that bench-presses 400 pounds. Two centres tip off an NBA game in Spain, while a backcourt press causes a turnover and an easy two points in China, and none of the players had to cross any oceans to get to the arena. And all of it is viewed in real time by subscription-paying fans plugging a Web connection into a big-screen TV.

Welcome to the sports world of 2025, where stronger, faster athletes compete at a breakneck pace on the field while their owners and sponsors do the same off of it. Sports training and medicine are making enormous leaps, as is media convergence.

The sports fan of 2025 will be able to view any number of games on a dizzying array of platforms. "Leagues are building out their own networks," says David Card, a vice president and media analyst with Forrester Research who figures that initiatives like NBA TV and the MLB Network, along with team-controlled operations like the New York Yankees' YES Network, will control increasing amounts of coverage in the future. That will include the ability to view live games over the Internet, an initiative the NBA is already planning for next season.

As leagues and teams take total control, traditional outlets like CBS and Disney's ABC and ESPN may be left scrambling to find a niche beyond live programming. This could mean settling for the secondary role of supplying things like statistics, analysis and fantasy-league access.

But the casual viewer shouldn't panic -- yet. "Advertisers will still pay a lot of bills. ... It's a disinterested third party that best delivers to those who really care about the content," says Card. So even as media coverage of sports becomes increasingly fragmented, networks and pay-per-view services won't disappear altogether. Major, advertising-heavy events like the Super Bowl and World Series will continue to have their homes on the broadcast airwaves.

And what of the recent trend for building billion-dollar sports palaces? As the new Yankee stadium, the as-yet unnamed Dallas Cowboys' new home and the Mets' Citigroup- (and taxpayer-) funded Citi Field are receiving their finishing touches, the tanking economy has many fans rethinking the value of super seats and super stadiums.

Sure, the economic slump will only last so long, but some experts think the shock and suddenness of the global financial crisis may have shifted consumer attitudes permanently. For all but the wealthiest, the luxury sports experience could be out for a long time. That means a lot of $1,000 tickets and personal seat licenses could go unsold and unpopulated for a very long time.

To make up for the lost revenue, teams will turn to in-game sponsorship dollars, thinks Ketchum Sports vice president Shawn McBride. So prepare for an increase in technologically injected product placements in sports telecasts and for uniform patches to turn players into walking billboards for the likes of Gatorade and Toyota.

"The question will be how fans respond to that," says McBride. His guess: Just fine, once the novelty wears off. People have a way of getting used to things; in due time, their attention will revert back to following the action on the field

Other changes he foresees: Municipal politicians driving tougher bargains to help fund stadiums. And, by 2025, a true global presence for some major U.S. sports leagues. The popularity of hockey and basketball in many overseas locations have the NHL and NBA best positioned to develop true European or Asian branches over the next decade or so.

"The NBA is already a global brand," McBride says. "It's just a matter of the competition catching up with the interest."

But none of this can happen without the true stars of the game: the athletes. And fans can expect future stars to be bigger, faster and more durable. According to sports fitness experts, advances in training will allow athletes to safely strengthen traditional trouble spots, reducing rehab time for common maladies like high ankle sprains and torn ACLs to half what they were in the mid 1990s.

Meantime, the first NFL speedster to run a sub-four-second 40 yard dash isn't far off, nor is the first running back or safety to bench press 400 pounds -- two decades after a 300 pound lift was considered an impressive feat. Such will be the fans' reward for forking over so much money to see the games.

And wealthy players won't need to worry about off-season jobs. "Now, (the athletes') job is to get better," says Patrick Ward, a strength and conditioning coach who runs Optimum Sports Performance in Chandler, Ariz. "It's not unusual for 20 different guys on a team to have their own trainer. They're really focused on taking care of their bodies."

In the age of high-definition television and high-priced seats, they should be.

Territory Report: China/Hong Kong; Different platforms grow at different paces

Daily Variety, Feb 6, 2009

China is forecast to continue to see expansion of its digital cable, mobile phone and theatrical film markets for several years. Satellite TV and IPTV are growing at a slower pace because government, having invested hundreds of millions of dollars in cable, has sought to protect it from directly competing technologies.

Another factor holding back IPTV has been the relatively low penetration of broadband Internet and computers in the home. By a recent count, China had 298 million Web users (up 48% in 2008), but many of those use Internet cafes, which receive content from intermediary aggregators and are increasingly finding the legality of that content questioned by regulators cracking down on vulgarity.

Meanwhile the theatrical market is thriving as cinema screens come onstream at the rate of 10 a week. Box office receipts grew by 27% in 2008 to $622 million.

Hong Kong, which is a "Special Administrative Region" of China with its own laws, currency and economic trends, is home to arguably the most successful deployment of IPTV in the world.

NowTV, launched there in 2003 by telco PCCW, last year became the territory's leading pay TV platform, overtaking its cable rival in 2008. But on-demand movie offerings remain small.

The territory is pushing ahead with digital terrestrial television, which now reaches 25% of households in its coverage zone. It is free but require modifications to receiving equipment.

Chinese internet users on the rise; Number grows to 298 million

Daily Variety, Jan 14, 2009

The number of Internet users in China rose 42% in 2008 to 298 million, with its 22.6% penetration beating the 21.9% world average for the first time, a government-sanctioned research group said in a report.

Around 91% of China’s webizens had broadband connections, the China Internet Network Information Center said, quoted by the Xinhua news agency.

China overtook the U.S. for the number of Internet users in June, to become the world’s leader. But U.S. online penetration is more than 70% against China’s 22.6%, leaving plenty of room for expansion in a population of 1.3 billion.

The number of people using cell phones to surf the Internet doubled to 117 million, a reflection of cheaper costs and an expanded wireless network.

一个美国女人和她的上千个中国孩子--专访新华悦动传媒CEO Fredy Bush女士

原文刊登在《今日民航》2009年3月刊, P66

布希女士, 全球商界50强女性之一。十年之内她在中国领导两家公司在世界两大主要市场上市;这位在中国市场上成就事业的女强人先后创立了两大基金会-资助失学女童重新获得读书机会的羽蝶基金,和在中国偏远乡村建立图书馆,以知识脱贫的新华图书馆基金会。从美国犹他州到中国上海再到偏远的宁夏;从两家上市公司到两家慈善基金会,她做的的确不少。而推动她热心公益事业的是一段不能抹去的人生记忆……


在访谈过程中,记者了解到眼前这位杰出的商业女性并非毕业于某知名院校,她甚至没有接受过高等教育。在她还是青少年的时候,就已经是两个孩子的母亲了。 在她20岁那年,丈夫不幸因车祸去世,留下了年轻的她和年幼的孩子。

布希强迫放弃了自己的学业,为了抚养孩子,她做过很多份不同的工作,但是学历低,经验少, 令她无法获得足以维持生活得薪水。提起当初的艰辛生活,她至今记忆犹新:”在美国,政府会给穷人发食品领取券,这是超市收银员最讨厌收的东西,因为这些食品券让他们费力而不赚钱。有一次,在收银的时候我才发现我买的东西多了,已经超出了食品券的额度,只能让收银员一件一件的将超出的商品取消。那个收银员很不耐烦,怪我买不起还要拿这么多,身后排着常常的队伍,所有的人都在看着我,我的儿子看到我被人责骂,立刻就哭了起来。”

就是这些不愉快的经验和羞辱,令她有要自强的决心。布希从那时起就懂得知识能够改变命运的道理。尽管放弃了学业,但是她仍然坚持自修: 数学,历史,小说…所有能够拿到手的书籍她都看。书本是她的良朋也是益友,或许是因为不在学校的人更加珍惜学习的机会, 布希读书的广度与深度为她日后在商界叱诧提供了足够的知识储备。直到今天她仍然保留着读书的习惯,无论到哪里,她总是会抽出时间去读书。



第一次看到与北京,上海的繁荣形成强烈反差的中国西部乡村,看到因贫困而失学的女孩子,她陷入了沉思。布希似乎在这些中国西部地区贫困的女孩子身上找到了自己从前的身影。要让她们受到应有的教育,有了知识,她们的将来才会有希望。”不怕贫困,就怕你没有脱离贫困的决心,” 对布希来说,只有怀揣希望和梦想,人生才能得以改变。那一刻,在布希的脑海里,产生了这种强烈的想法,也是在那一刻,布希决定成立用于资助失学女童的羽蝶基金。如同布希女士说的,希望这些女孩子能像羽蝶一样,通过自己的努力,将来能够破蛹成碟,振翅高飞。



布希每年都在她繁忙的工作中抽出三天时间,长途跋涉亲自探望这些女童。每次她下飞机后还要花上五六个小时车程才抵达学校,对日理万机的集团掌舵人来说似乎是一份奢侈。但布希却觉得十分值得:”我自己从中得到的比我付出的要多。她们真挚的笑容,充满希望的眼神足够让人融化,也令我暂时忘记工作上的烦恼。” 今天,成为众人妈妈的布希常常收到”女儿”寄来的信,通过助手的翻译,她会利用周六的时间逐一回信。




然而,令布希最骄傲的是,她得家人,朋友,还有她的员工都非常支持她回馈社会的举动。新华图书馆基金会已成为公司文化的重要部分。她的员工们除了捐钱外,还会经常捐书,捐物,有很多人更亲自去宁夏,内蒙当地,亲自动手,挖地基,搬砖头,砌泥灰,和村民们并肩劳动。慈善的意义并不仅仅在于提高物质上的援助,用布希自己的话, “这并非是简单的施与和接受。在帮助和获得帮助的过程中,每位参与其中的人已变换了身份,相互帮助,不分彼此。与人分享的过程中,也是与自己的心灵沟通的过程。”


作为一名杰出的商业女性,布希也很享受她的家庭生活。布希平衡事业与家庭的秘诀是全身投入,在办公室与家庭里,你永远不要三心二意。”其实中国女性比国外女性拥有者更多的机会,”布希说, “我的职业领域以男性为主导,但我从一开始就告诉自己,我一定要成功!在这个路途上,坚持是最为重要的。”

对于那些有抱负的女性们,布希给出了两点建议: 第一,永远不要小看了自己。第二,永远不要放弃。这两点建议,也正是布希自己人生的缩影吧。




布希在2004年曾入选《华尔街日版》”全球商界女性50强”;2006年获得美国族裔组织联盟颁发的埃利斯岛荣誉奖章;2006年10月在第五届CNBC亚洲商业领袖奖的评选中被授予年度亚洲企业家奖,以及香港美国商会颁发的”最具影响力女性”奖之年度最佳企业奖。她所领导的新华悦动传媒[Xinhua Sports & Entertainment Limited ( NASDAQ: XSEL); 前名新华财经传媒(Xinhua Finance Media Limited) ]是一家中国领先的传媒集团,重点聚焦体育与娱乐传媒领域。公司于纳斯达克上市,员工超过1300名。XSEL一直以服务中国年轻的新富一族为营运宗旨,把精彩的国际体育赛事和优质的娱乐内容引进中国,并透过其独有而广泛的传播平台送递至目标受众。XSEL的传播平台涵盖电视,互联网,移动通信,广播,报纸,杂志,以及校园营销网络等众多媒体报道。此外,XSEL还可为广告客户提供一站式综合全面解决方案,充分满足客户在传播各阶段的不同需要,成为链接广告客户与新富一族之间的桥梁。


中国信息产业网, 2009年6月18日 (http://tech.sina.com.cn/t/2009-06-18/18593192408.shtml)














中国经营报, 2009年6月23日 (http://media.people.com.cn/GB/9524586.html)











